Whipple for Advanced Ampullary tumour 60 YO Female Sydney Australia

by Jennifer
(Sydney Australia)

I had the Whipple procedure on the 12th March 2016.

My intestinal polyp was discovered by routine endoscopy while they were looking for something else, so I was lucky it was not cancer but it did have high dysplasia.

My surgery was without complications and I had bearable pain, trying to sleep on my back was a nightmare. I was released on day eleven from hospital only to come crashing down a day later.

I was on major pain killers for three weeks after this with little improvement and then I developed a UTI this put me back into hospital for seven days. I also had bad inflammation that had not shown up on earlier tests so finally I was put on intravenous antibiotics and I stated to feel better.

It is now the 7th of September and I have had many digestion issues mostly resulting in frequent bowel movements sometimes twelve times a day this was becoming very debilitating so finally my dietician put me on Creon and things have now started to improve. It is very hard to find a dietician that understands the issues and the correct amount of Creon to take.

I am also attending rehab to build up some muscle strength as I have lost thirteen kilograms. I am also very tired and my iron stores are low. At the moment I am also having bladder issues not too sure how they are related but I am concerned that I might develop diabetes. I am also experiencing hair loss which is distressing but understandable considering what I have been through.

So even though I "dodged a bullet" as my surgeon says I have still had the same horrible procedure as those of you with pancreatic cancer and I wish you the very best of luck.

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Sep 28, 2016
Prayers for Continued Healing
by: Jane


Thank you so much for sharing your story. The Whipple Procedure is one of the most difficult there is, and your testimony is witness to the long and stressful recovery that many have experienced.

By sharing your story, you are an encouragement to those just now facing this monumental part in the journey. Your information on the Creon will be crucial for someone reading this post. We all are walking this road together and your experience may just be the catalyst to help the next. Thank you...

Continued prayers for your healing and renewed strength. May you discover joy around each new corner and graces overwhelming each new day,

In Grace, Always,

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