The Pancreatic Cancer Journey Blog is our mini-journal about living with pancreatic cancer. It's honest, it's funny, it's heart-wrenching and it's real. Our life. Our Journey. With Pancreatic Cancer. Maybe you'll see something here to inspire you. We sure hope so. You will also find up-to-date postings and news on the pancreatic cancer fight.
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Letting the Christmas light shine through you every time you let God love someone through you!
Join me this August 13th for a new documentary! Interviews with experts in the field of alternative and holistic medicine provide some of the latest cutting edge protocols in cancer care!
Praying peace tonight for everyone battling on this hard, hard journey. Cancer brings its own kind of turmoil. Rest in a God more powerful than cancer brings a soul-deep kind of peace. That's what I wish for you...
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