Total Body Paralysis after Whipple Procedure

by Innocent Vicent
(Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)

I would like to share my current experiences after whipple.

I had a tumor in the head of the pancreas and it was stage 2 when diagnosed. After about 2 months of suffering with jaundice, severe back pain etc., on 13th April 2016 at 0600am the whipple procedure was administered and it took about 13 hours operation. I made it to the ICU at around 0800pm that day.

Had to stay ICU for more than a month under close supervision after which they took me to the ward of which I stayed again about 3 to 4 weeks then discharged.

After few weeks I started the chemotherapy and it is here again the pain same like before the procedure... Severe constipation, severe back pain, paralysis of the lower limbs, loss of the urine and fecal control, headache, nausea etc.

I am now on the fifth chemo and have paralysis of the body from the thorax through to the lower limbs and full loss of control of urine and fecal emptying.

I have contacted back my surgeon and unfortunately has not come back to me and so I started roaming around for any immediate help or information available without success.

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Sep 28, 2016
Heart Breaks for You
by: Jane

Dear Innocent,

Thank you so much for writing. My heart just breaks for all that you have had to go through.

I have never before heard about the paralysis effect of the whipple procedure. What are your chemotheraphy oncologists/doctors suggesting? Surely the surgeon will be in touch soon.

I wish I had something more to tell you. Our website is non-medical and we would never be able to give medical advice. We always encourage our readers to seek treatment through qualified medical professionals. Nonetheless, I know how much you must be hurting.

Please continue to contact your physicians and if need be seek a second opinion if possible.

You are on my mind and my heart this day. Praying for relief and for hope as you struggle with this heavy burden.

May Grace be Abundant and Healing be Whole,

In Grace, Always,

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