Our Journey has begun

by Ronnie

Dear Jane:

I came across your website and found so much comfort in the information that you share. I lost my father on Feb. 3, 2013 and a week later my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that has spread to her liver. She has been diagnosed with Stage 4. There are so many questions that are unanswered for us (her children) and you answered alot of those questions for us in this website!

Thank you.

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Jun 06, 2013
stay strong
by: David

I am sorry to here about your mother. My wife was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer March 2011 and had surgery to remove her pancreas June. She under went chemo treatment and was doing very well until she started to retain fluids. Sadly she passed away Dec.07/2011 On our 26th anniversary Of renal failure. I will pray for you and your family.
God Bless
Sincerely David

Mar 25, 2013
We are blessed
by: Glenn

I am so sorry to hear about your mother.My wife cheryl, was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in November and had to have a stent put in; that is when I found Jane's blog and found not only answers to a lot of questions ,but much comfort as well. Jane mentions Folfirinox in her journey and that is what Cheryl is on .She has completed 4 treatments and her first scan is on Mar.26. She has 8 m0re treatments to go.The side affects have been minimal to date.They only started folfirinox here in Ontario a few months ago , but it is revolutionizing pancreatic cancer treatment,after her 2nd treatment Cheryl had no more pain ortightness.WE will pray for your mom Ronnie and may one of God's angels be with you and your mom and his healing grace surround you.

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