My Husband's Whipple Surgery Success
by Barb
(Fort McMurray AB Canada)
My husband was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer in Aug 2014. He was eligible for Whipple surgery and had it in Sept 2014. It went extremely well and was up and about much sooner than expected. He also received preventative chemo for 6 months and was well and healthy.
In April of 2016 the cancer metastasized to his liver. A week after this diagnosis we were evacuated from our city and our home burned down. During the evaluation time we were forced with new decisions on his health, he was given three choices:
1. - Hardcore treatment which could triple his life expectancy
2.- A step down from the hardcore which could double his life expectancy
3.- or nothing at all
Well he chose #1 with no hesitation at all. After 2 months on this treatment the lesions grew, so he was moved down to #2 after 2 months the lesions shrunk!!! And his last CT scan in Dec 2016 showed he is stable. So he continues with his treatment.
After the stressful year we had in 2016 he maintains his wonderful sense of humor and zest for life which I believe truly helps with his journey.
He is 55 yrs old, we've been married 30 yrs have 3 wonderful children and lots of family and friends who gather together in support. We have bought a new home in our city of Fort McMurray AB Canada, and have begun to look positively to the future however long that will be!
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