The Pancreatic Cancer Journey that our family is on took us all by surprise. It is not a trip we had planned. Nor is it a journey we'd recommend!
But our detour in life is well under way, and with each curve, dip and bump in the road, we've learned how to stay the course. To be honest, there have been a few trips through the ditch, and several roll-overs, but we're still here, still forging ahead.
Perhaps you or a loved one is manuevering through this cancer obstacle course too. We would be honored if you would join us for a spell, and share the journey together.
Our Personal Experience Truly Founded the Pancreatic Cancer Journey.
Our mom was 70 when she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the fall of 2010. She is an amazing, funny, strong woman. And a retired nurse. She knows a thing or two about disease. From the beginning she chose to fight with every weapon available to her. We've journaled her battles as honestly as we can, defeats and victories all included, here in this website.
To read about our story, click on the About Me link on the left hand side of this page. We'd give anything to not be here on this journey with cancer. Seems that we weren't asked for our opinion! I think it was Randy Pausch who said, "We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand." So true. And that is what we're doing, playing the hand one card at a time.
This website is all about providing information, advice and support. Giving hope, inspiration, and a huge dose of optimism.
It is our story. Our journey.
Here you will find:
* Reliable advice on navigating the often frightening, overwhelming medical maze of today's cancer protocols.
* Our reviews on what treatments have worked for us (and which have not)
* Techniques to deal with the very unpredictable and emotional roller coaster ride this cancer diagnosis brings
* Practical strategies to cope with all areas of life during this uncertain time
* And Encouragement, Support and Comfort to the family and caregivers who stand shoulder to shoulder with their loved ones as they too walk this road.
It is my goal to create a valuable resource that will help you on your own journey. Information that may ease the burden of not knowing what's ahead, advice and tips that you can turn to, and questions answered that only another pancreatic cancer patient and family can answer.
This website is continually being updated as new steps are taken and experienced on our own journey. Be sure to visit from time to time to get the latest news. You can click on The Journey on the left side of this page to get a brief overview of mom's cancer story. It's our journal of the actual events on this journey.
I promise that you will find hope and encouragement to face whatever lies in your path. It is my desire to lift your heart this day.
You are not alone. We are walking the same road.
Together is better,
Copyright ©
Nothing on this website should be construed
to constitute medical advice.